Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Organizational Learning in the Era of Emerging Technologies
Research notes

Transformational Leadership and Business Continuity: A systematic review of empirical studies

Mary Sabbah
STAR-Ghana Foundation

Published 2024-07-05

How to Cite

Transformational Leadership and Business Continuity: A systematic review of empirical studies. (2024). Management Research Quarterly, 1(2), 4–24. https://doi.org/10.63029/kyzckn37


Transformational leadership has emerged as a critical concept in management literature, characterized by vision, innovation, inspiration, and attentiveness to followers' needs. As businesses strive to adapt and thrive in increasingly complex environments, the need for visionary leadership capable of inspiring teams toward shared goals has become imperative. However, despite its relevance, systematic reviews guiding scholars in this field are scarce. This study aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing relevant journal articles on transformational leadership. Using a word search procedure across eight databases, including Google Scholar, the study retrieved 36 articles, of which 28 were retained for further analysis. The findings reveal that the 28 articles were published across 24 journal outlets hosted by the eight databases.