
Key Information

Journal name: Management Research Quarterly

ISSN: 3029-5718

Editor-in-Chief: Miloš Drdla

Publisher: BIBS School of Management, Prague, Czech Republic

Frequency: 4 issues per year 

Review process: double-blind peer review

Editorial contact: info@mrquarterly.org 

System support contact: Beinn Purvis, email: admin@mrquarterly.org

Journal owner: BIBS School of Management

Article processing charges (APC): none

Submission fee: none 

License: Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0  

Author self-archiving policy: Once a manuscript has been officially accepted, authors are free and encouraged to upload any version of it to institutional or personal webpages, repositories, and other places, both before and after publication (as long as they include the publication's bibliographic information).