
About the Journal

At Management Research Quarterly (MRQ), our mission is to serve as a premier platform for empirical research that not only advances management theory but also enriches management practice. We welcome a diverse array of empirical methods, including qualitative, quantitative, field studies, and mixed methods. Our focus is on publishing research that makes substantial empirical and theoretical contributions while demonstrating clear relevance to real-world management challenges.


Empirical Rigor and Theoretical Contributions

MRQ places a high value on both empirical rigor and theoretical sophistication. We seek manuscripts that offer original insights, compelling narratives, and bold theoretical propositions. Every article we publish is expected to be grounded in robust theoretical frameworks while addressing meaningful problems faced by organizational actors. We encourage authors to bridge the gap between theory and practice, ensuring that their research not only contributes to scholarly discourse but also informs managerial decision-making.

Promoting Engaged Management Scholarship

MRQ is committed to promoting engaged management scholarship, particularly research conducted by or with practitioner-scholars. We recognize the importance of theory in guiding empirical inquiry, but we also prioritize research that is firmly rooted in the lived experiences and concerns of managers and organizational stakeholders. Our journal provides a platform for disseminating research that offers practical insights and actionable recommendations for management practice.

Advancing Management Practices

Management is fundamentally about coordinating and directing activities and resources to achieve organizational goals. MRQ seeks to advance the understanding of management practices and their deliberate shaping and design. We welcome research from diverse settings—whether private or public, business or voluntary, intra- or inter-organizational, national or international—that contributes to the improvement of management effectiveness.

A General Management Focus

MRQ is a general management journal that addresses questions related to governance, organization, and behavior across various entities and contexts. While we welcome contributions from specialized domains, we are particularly interested in research that links these domains to broader management questions and integrates insights from the social sciences. Our editorial team comprises experts with cross-area knowledge and a deep understanding of the relationship between management and disciplines such as economics, sociology, philosophy, and design sciences.

Global Perspective and Diversity

In recognition of the diverse and integrated nature of the global management landscape, MRQ welcomes contributions from scholars across the world. We aim to cultivate interest in diversity, multilateralism, comparative analysis, and historical context, fostering the development of effective and equitable management theories and practices of global significance.

Methodological Plurality and Rigor

MRQ values rigorous, analytically sound, and intersubjectively testable research. We acknowledge the plurality of research designs and methodologies, welcoming studies that conform to various methodological approaches, whether quantitative or qualitative. 


The readership of MRQ is primarily composed of academics, scholars, and students in the field of management studies. The articles published by the MRQ seek to provide managerial implications and actionable advice to business professionals, corporate leaders, and policymakers. Finally, MRQ also targets consultants and practitioners who are looking for innovative ideas, validated research findings, and discussions on managerial strategies that can be applied in real-world contexts.


MRQ is an open-access journal that does not require article processing charges (APC) and Submission fees.  


A Collaborative Editorial Approach

At MRQ, we adopt an editorial approach characterized by co-investment between authors and reviewers. We aim to facilitate a fair and efficient peer-review process, ultimately bringing high-quality manuscripts to publication. We prioritize transparency, openness, and critical-mindedness in our editorial decisions, ensuring that every published work contributes meaningfully to the advancement of management research.

Archiving policy

MRQ acknowledges the essential roles of librarians and publishers in safeguarding scholarly content. We are devoted to preserving the intellectual contributions contained in our research for future generations. Digital preservation, a suite of activities designed to maintain and protect information in digital formats, is a cornerstone of our strategy to ensure long-term access to our content.

  1. Digital Storage:

    • Our digital content is securely stored across multiple servers. 
  2. Archival Preservation:

    • We utilize the PKP Preservation Network for archival backup and preservation services to further ensure the longevity and safety of our electronic content.
  3. Author Archiving Rights:

    • Authors are permitted to archive any version of their manuscripts, including the final published version, in personal, institutional, or other repositories immediately upon publication, without any embargo.
  4. Long-Term Availability:

    • We are committed to the continuous publication of our journals well into the future. However, if unforeseen circumstances require us to cease publication, we guarantee that the manuscripts published in our journals will remain online and accessible to readers for at least an additional ten years. Should we face a discontinuation of the collection or a catastrophic website failure, the content will remain available through the PKP Preservation Network.

Through these measures, MRQ ensures that the scholarly content we steward remains secure and accessible, supporting the academic community now and in the future.

In summary, Management Research Quarterly (MRQ) is dedicated to publishing high-quality empirical research that not only advances management theory but also informs and enhances management practice. We invite scholars from around the world to join us in our endeavor to expand the frontiers of knowledge in the field of management.