Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): Management Innovation and Sustainability: Local Challenges, Global Insights
Empirical articles

Navigating Institutional Logics: Balancing Cultural Preservation and Economic Sustainability in ethnic minority settlements.

Stephane Sessi Viainon
Yunnan university

Published 2025-01-17

How to Cite

Navigating Institutional Logics: Balancing Cultural Preservation and Economic Sustainability in ethnic minority settlements. (2025). Management Research Quarterly, 1(4), 18-28. https://doi.org/10.63029/r2cbav68


The interplay of cultural preservation and economic sustainability presents a significant challenge for traditional communities. This study examines the Dulong Jiang carpet weaving industry, located in the remote northwestern part of Yunnan Province, China. Drawing on ethnographic methods, the study identifies three key mechanisms that enable the community to balance traditional heritage with economic demands. Findings reveal that while the cultural preservation logic emphasizes safeguarding weaving traditions as a core element of identity, the economic sustainability logic integrates modern tools and platforms to foster market engagement. The study highlights generational tensions, sustainability challenges, and the innovative strategies employed to blend these logics. Contributions include extending the institutional logics framework to cultural anthropology and offering actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners.


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